These individuals have worked for Enid Public Schools for 40-50 years. We are so appreciative of their service.
about 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
40/50 year employees
The EPS Cares childcare facility has received a 5 Star DHS rating. We are proud to serve our employees and their own children.
about 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
EPS Cares Team
Congratulations to Prairie View student, Reese Grohler. She was named a cabinet member to the Oklahoma Kid Governor program.
about 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Oklahoma KiD Governor Cabinet member
Our secondary spotlight student was from Longfellow Middle School, Alveryro Lopez.
about 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Longfellow Middle school spotlight student
Alberto Lopez
Thank you to our McKinley Elementary spotlight student for leading us in the pledge.
about 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Elementary spotlight student
McKinley spotlight student
Congratulations to Tina McGowan, EPS Support Professional of the Year.
about 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Tina McGowan
Support Employee of the Year
Congratulations to Sandra Lippard, Enid Public Schools Teacher of the Year
about 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Sandra Lippard
EPS Teacher of the Year
Enid Public Schools had several students place in the Woodring Wall of Honor Poster Contest. Posters will be on display at the Stride Bank Center around the arena. The winners for the event were: K-1st Grade 1st Place Nora Andersen Eisenhower Elementary – Mrs. Powell 2nd Place Haley Prothero Eisenhower Elementary – Mrs. Powell 3rd Place Calina Paredes Eisenhower Elementary – Ms. McCarter 2-3rd Grade 1st Place Yadiel Resendiz Monroe Elementary – Mrs. Weathers 2nd Place Noelle Reichers Eisenhower Elementary – Mrs. Mochon 3rd Place Audrey Stanford Eisenhower Elementary – Ms. Inselman 4-5th Grade 1st Place Khloe Jaquez Hayes Elementary – Mrs. Hainley 2nd Place Joanna Romero Monroe Elementary – Mrs. Nelson 3rd Place Dyann Mote Hayes Elementary – Mrs. Hainley
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
K-1 poster contest winners
2-3 grade poster contest winners
Poster contest winners
Congratulations Elsa Stewart, a Semifinalist in the 2023 National Merit Scholar Program.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Elsa Stewart speaking
Elsa Stewart with board president
Enid High School student Luke Rauh was the secondary spotlight student at the October School board meeting.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Luke Rauh
EHS student with board president
Thank you Orion for leading us in the Pledge at the October board meeting.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Hoover student Pledge leader
Orion leading the Pledge
Thank you to the Tyson Enterprise Plant Employee Retention Program for the donation of school supplies for our students.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Tyson Employees
Thank you Sophie Perosi for sharing about the great things happening at Emerson.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Sophie, Emerson Principal and board president
Sophie sharing about her experience at Emerson
London did a great job leading us in the Pledge as the elementary spotlight student from Hayes.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
London, Mrs. Jarnagin and Board President
Mrs. Jarnagin introducing London
We hope our students had a great day off today! Our teachers continued working hard on professional development across the district! #EPSproud
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
September PD Day 2022
September PD Day 2022
September PD Day 2022
September PD Day 2022
Congratulations to Enid Public Schools "10 Under40" award recipients Shea Mercer, Matthew Johnson, and Kat Jeanne! The "10 Under 40" award is presented by Enid Young Professionals to Enid community members who demonstrate excellence in professional and community focused areas. We are very #EPSproud that these individuals are working for our students and schools and Enid community!
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
EYP 2022
Thank you Parents and Staff for the smooth dismissal today during the evacuation of Glenwood School. We appreciate the parents’ and guardians’ patience and the Staff’s willingness to jump in and take excellent care of the students and their needs. We wanted to let parents know that all students belongs are safe inside the classrooms and students will have access to them all on Monday morning. Have a great weekend.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Parents- all children are safe but emergency personnel have asked us to evacuate Glenwood School. Children are being brought to the Oakwood Christian Church Activity Center and can be picked up there. Buses will run as usual. Students may be picked up at the South doors by the activity center.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
All children are safe but there has been a car wreck in front of the school. Access to the school is limited at this time. Emergency personnel are on the scene.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Longfellow is experiencing technical difficulties with the fire alarm. Students are safe but the alarm is malfunctioning and very loud, therefore students are outside on the campus grounds.
over 2 years ago, Enid Public Schools